Everyone wants to save the world, they just can't agree on how
Welcome to the earthlings!
Establishing a New Community for a Global Future
When we think of nations, an image comes to mind of people united by a common language, culture, and territory. Throughout history, nation-building has been linked to how people interacted at a local level—with neighbors, families, and local communities. Unlike past eras, the modern world represents a much more complex and interconnected system where the borders that once divided us are becoming increasingly insignificant. In the age of the internet, accessible international travel, and global communications, humanity has begun to realize not just its connection but its shared destiny.

Planetary Identity: A New Foundation for Nation-Building
Globalization has led millions of people to travel between continents, work in international corporations, and participate in cultural and scientific exchanges, broadening their worldview and fostering a sense of unity in the face of common challenges. People are becoming aware that many challenges, such as climate change, technological disasters, inequality, and threats from technological progress, affect everyone, regardless of nationality or citizenship. These challenges require a global approach and collective solutions, laying the groundwork for the formation of a new nation—the Earthlings.
Unlike traditional nations, the Earthlings could unite not around geographical territory or ethnic affiliation, but around common values and goals. This is a new form of social union based on the recognition of shared responsibility for the future of the planet and life on it.

Legal Foundations for Creating a New Nation
From a legal perspective, the establishment of the Earthlings is possible and does not contradict international law. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) clearly states: "All peoples have the right to self-determination." This means that peoples can independently determine their political and social systems, establish their values, and choose their paths of development.
The UN Charter also supports this principle. Article 1 states that one of the purposes of the UN is "to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples." This confirms that international law does not prohibit the formation of new nations, provided they aim for peaceful purposes and respect the rights of other peoples and states.
Additional justification is provided by the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007), which recognizes the right to preserve their culture, identity, and develop unique forms of social organization. In relation to the Earthlings, this means that creating such a community can be legitimate if it is based on common cultural and practical ties that arise in response to global challenges.

New Grounds for Nation Formation
Historically, nations were created under conditions of territorial isolation and limited interaction. Today, on the contrary, the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Information technologies enable people to exchange ideas and experiences in real-time, creating a foundation for forming a new community. People who were previously unaware of each other's existence now discuss global issues in forums, participate in international conferences, and unite in movements for climate change, human rights, and social equality.
Global problems faced by humanity, such as climate change, pandemics, and technological risks, require collective solutions. These solutions can only be developed through global cooperation and collective action. People are beginning to realize that their future is closely linked to the well-being of others, laying the foundation for a new type of national identity—the Earthlings.

Practical Steps Toward Forming the Earthlings
To create the Earthlings, it is important to develop not only cultural but also practical connections among people. In the digital age, this has become easier than ever. Digital platforms can serve as a basis for forming new forms of interaction, allowing people from different countries to participate in common projects, exchange ideas, and coordinate efforts to address global problems.
The Earthlings could be formed based on specific initiatives, such as global environmental movements, human rights, or technological cooperation. These initiatives already exist and demonstrate the possibility of creating international communities with strong cultural and ideological ties.

A New Era of Nation-Building
The creation of the Earthlings is not in contradiction to the historical process of nation formation but requires a rethinking of new conditions for global interconnectedness. We live in a world where borders are becoming increasingly insignificant, and common problems unite people regardless of their nationality. In this context, the Earthlings can serve as an example of a new form of nation-building based on shared values and responsibility for the future of the planet.
The legal and social prerequisites for creating such a nation already exist, and modern technologies and global challenges create conditions for forming a new collective identity. The Earthlings could become an important step in the development of global cooperation and the building of a more sustainable world.
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